Senator Bernadette Clement visited CDETNO March 15, 2024 While in Yellowknife, Senator Bernadette Clement visited CDETNO offices for an enlightening exchange. Among other things, she learned about all of our services and the challenges we face serving a bilingual population throughout the Northwest Territories.“Ottawa is far away and people are not always aware of the realities we face,” says François Afane, executive director of CDETNO, stating that the senator took the time to listen.He adds that following these meetings in the NWT capital, CDETNO is “counting on a butterfly effect” which would ensure that in the context of decision-making, the senator, now knowing northern realities, can take them into account.Bernadette Clement is currently a member of the Standing Senate Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Transport and Communications, and Official Languages. She previously served on the Senate Committee on Rules, Procedures, and the Rights of Parliament. Prior to this, was the first woman to be elected as mayor of Cornwall, Ontario, and the first Black woman to serve as a mayor in Ontario.